Defining Your Brand in a Sea of Google Places

Defining Your Brand in a Sea of Google Places

Google is THE place where brands come to thrive and grow.  Unfortunately, it is all too often the place where they come to die, as well.  I am sure that before you decided to hire a marketing team for your online campaign, your tried your own hand at SEO.  Maybe you wrote those weekly blogs yourself, held a couple of contests, and even blasted your website with testimonials; and I'll bet that you were sure it would work – Because you Googled it, right?

In this age of the digital marketing world, those tactics do come across as a magic formula to gain that online success; and it’s true that many companies dive head first into those types of efforts.  These companies typically believe that if they just keep steadfast with those blogs and contests, Google will most certainly take care of the rest.  Ah, if only it were that easy!

Here is the secret to that magical potion of rankings; you need to clearly define your brand.  If not, you are simply pouring those efforts right down the drain.  Your potential customers are seeking a solution to a problem, and they really don't want to spend a lot of time looking.  This is where you come in, solve their problems in a fast and easy way; giving them the simplest answer to any question.  For example, if your audience is seeking solutions to something such as window fixtures, they won’t be satisfied with a picture of a cute puppy.  Sure, you may get a like or two – But not loyal followers.

Screen Shot 2014-06-18 at 3.34.53 PMSo before you post yet another meme of grumpy cat on Twitter, ask yourself the following questions:

-What puts you above your competition?

Every brand should have that extra “oomph” that makes them the best.  Essentially, what is your secret sauce?

-Who are you targeting?

Study your analytics, check out your competition’s audience, and really define who you would prefer to be targeting.  Then you will be able to tailor your content more efficiently.

-What is your “solution” or “theme”?

For example, if you are a movie review blogger, don't suddenly give your audience a review on the new pizza joint down the block.  Become an industry leader, a place that people know they will be able to find the answer they need.

-Is your brand sustainable?

Do you have a great idea that’s going to last a month, or over many years?  This one can be tricky because you don't know the future – But you can prepare for the unexpected by providing your readers with deep and meaningful content; just make sure you have an original idea to back it up.  Always be ready to evolve.

Start there; continue working hard on those blogs – Keep up that organic work!  But always make sure to keep branding in mind.  It gives your audience a sense of routine and security, and that is so important when it comes to gaining a loyal following (and business growth, of course).


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Jessica Honeycutt

Jessica holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Interpersonal and Organizational Communications and a minor in Journalism from the University of Florida. She has spearheaded various marketing, public relations, and advertising strategies, including written tasks such as press releases, blogs, and various articles.

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